Monday, June 30, 2008


Turns out we have a lot of bugs in the Creek House, I guess in large part due to the fact that the overflow behind the house is now standing water. Lots of annoying mosquitos, lots of bites, lots of buzzing towards the ears.

The heat of the last three days has been brutal. Every year I complain about the heat, but I never do a damn thing about it. I hate heat.

Had a pretty good time at the Georgetown Artopia event, the second year I've gone. It was rough this year because of the above mentioned heat and being in charge of three teenage boys and one teenage girl, and being restricted by the time frame that said teenage girl was available. The event is awesome, but one middle aged Dad/Uncle and three plus one teens makes for a different kind of experience than what I'd otherwise have. I managed to get two of them to stay for about ten minutes watching experimental film with improvised music, until one couldn't take "that high pitched screeching" anymore. Oh well, I guess it isn't genetic.

Papa Seed was up in the mountains almost getting heat stroke while doing research. Sunday I missed my second Gay Pride Parade since 1977. I was once so adamant it was necessary, but instead I took one of the neffs out to eat and suffered through the sweat and heat of the rest of the day at home. I guess I've done plenty of them that I'm allowed to call in for a mental health day every other decade or so. Still, it left me with lots of memories of days gone by - days of youth and health, which of course set off the old depression.

Mancub and the above teenage girl have been spending almost every waking hour together, which in turn has created a bit of stress back at the ranch with the cowboys. We had to get tough. Translated, I had to leave work early after texting him to get his behind home for a little "understanding" time. I think we understand a bit better, but I don't think it will stick. However, his t-shirts and jeans got put away after a week of taking up precious space in the utility room, and I think there is peace in the kingdom this evening. Except for the damn bugs. I want those to die.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Adoption Day

Adoption Day Cake

It is official. We adopted Mancub Tuesday morning. Showing up late, there was a line almost around the corner of the court house. It seemed like every fifth person was someone that was there for our session - kind of a "This Is Your Life", or the final three part of Survivor where they remember the cast members that went before them. It was somehow fitting that we walked by his past Social Workers, Lawyers, Counselor, Foster Family, and others who have been involved in his life up to this point - all being a part of bringing us to that moment. The court room was full, and the judge could not have been nicer.

Then it was done, and as the judge said - we are now his Dads forever and he is now our son forever.

My sister and another of her grandchildren were in town, and with the two neffs we often have along we all went for Dim Sum. Then we came back to the house and got ready for the party. Unlike our previous home, we actually have room for parties now. We had a barbeque with hotdogs, chicken, and hamburgers and two cakes - one that had "Love Makes A Family" iced on top, the other the one in the photo that his former Social Worker brought. The days of Social Workers and monthly home visits and paper work and court cases are done. We can now be normal. Mancub is really looking forward to being a normal kid.

Much else since I last posted, but all fails in comparison with this, so I'll leave it be for now.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

On and On

Hungry Girls

All I know is that the chickens keep getting bigger and they keep on eating. Lyra is the first to take to sitting on a perch. The others look interested, but haven't quite gotten the hang of it. Josefina is getting fat. Esmeralda and Yva look like little penguins. Nickie is getting the most new feathers.

The rain yesterday filled the creek. It was louder and faster than we've seen it to date. Also, because it is the storm water run-off, dirtier.

The blue jays that have nested outside the kitchen are also more active than ever, and they are usually pretty active. Such beautiful birds.

We have an official adoption date for Mancub - finally. Two more weeks, and we will be in court. There will be a party.

There is a lot of relief and excitement thanks to the Obama news in our household.

The first of the Great Neffs turned 16 this week. We took him out for ramen, and bought him a trumpet at an Old School Music Shop south of home, tiny and cluttered with the best kind of personal service. M~ was thrilled, we were glad we could do it, and Mancub got to do all of the driving to one up his Cuz. Since that evened the planning field a bit, Mancub invited him to spend the night, the first time M~ has done so in the new house. Not sure if the Peace Talks will continue, but there is hope in the Kingdom for now.

Gas is $4.26, the weather is more Fall than Summer, and for some reason I've become addicted to candy. I never had a craving for candy, but since the bus transfer takes place right by a Bartell's, on meeting days I've gone in to get cheap snacks and those end up being those boxes of Mike and Ike', Red Hots, and their kin. I loved this stuff when I was a kid, but grew out of it in favor of the grease, spice and salt poisons which have been my downfall since the late teens at least. Odd that now as I'm trying to live a more healthy life, I've become a sugar fiend.

Today is the memorial service for our former neighbor. Mancub came home for about three minutes before taking off again. Great Neff B~ is staying with us, and M~ will be joining him this afternoon. I've got to return a bunch of DVDs that are overdue at the library, ones I never had a chance to watch in spite of renewing them all two times. And there are still boxes of things in the middle of the rooms that we need to deal with.