Monday, May 26, 2008

Assorted Goods

Busy week.

The chicks are already twice as big. Papa Seed turned 41. Our dear friend Big G~ came out for a three day visit. Mancub went through a week of intense teenage romance angst. There were a lot of tears and text messages. We did a little of Folklife, but less than we usually do. We had a couple of the neffs over for a day and a night. Today Big G~, Papa Seed, Mancub and I went to see the second Narnia movie. I thought the first one was pretty entertaining, but this was just one long battle scene. Last night I had the most intense series of dreams. I'd wake up every few hours and sift through the dreams, trying to sort reality from sleepland. I'm not sure I was successful. Big G~ flew back tonight, and I spent part of the day updating my profile for no particular reason since I've had it there for several years and not once have connected with anyone from HS, not that I remember the majority of them. My head is sunburned.

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